My eldest son is learning about the different ways a subtraction problem can be written in mathematics;)
We all remember primary school. Sometimes the question might say 'take away'. Or sometimes it may say 'subtract' 20 from 18. But sometimes it may ask for the 'difference' between two numbers.


So I wrote down three math problems asking him to subtract two numbers using the these three phrases. Here were his answers:-

Q:- What do you get if you 'take away' 18 from 20?
A:- 2

Q: How many would remain if you 'subtract' 15 from 18?
A: 3

Q: What is the 'difference' between 12 and 14?
A: One has a two and one has a four,

Oh boy....:p

This Kid just cracks me up!!!!:D
My eldest son, who is currently in 2nd year has finally been given his first real project. The kind where you do research, lots of writing and cut out/print lots of pictures.

So I'm there explaining to him that we can do a little writing every day so it wouldn't be too much, but that a project takes a lot of time so we will put aside a little time every day to get a little done piece by piece;)

When I thought I had convinced him that it really would be easy to put together if we just take it one step at a time, he sits there quietly and contemplates this for a while... 

And once again, kids being kids, out pops the funniest question, "Mummy, can we pay someone to do it?!!?" 

Well yes.... yet another funny mummy moment:p